We finally have our flights nailed down. We will be leaving on Sept 11 and returning on Sept the 29th! We will spend 5 days and 4 nights on a cruise down the Yangtze River to see the Three Gorges Dam! For all of my homeschool friends this is the largest dam in the world. Have the kids check it out, it is way cool! We will be in Wuhan at the Best Western Mayflower Hotel from the 17th till the 25th. On the 25th we will fly to Guangzhou ( we will be staying at the Victory) and will depart Guangzhou on the 29th.
I don't think I had any idea how crazy this part of the process would be. It is very stressful! Trying to think of all of the little details is making me a crazy women,LOL! I am not a detail kind of gal. Gotta go add some more stuff to the list of things to buy before we leave.......geeezzzz I am going to be broke when all of this is over,LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
We are going to China!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
5:14 AM
Poor baby!
Did I ever show the picture of Olivia's unfortunate dog encounter? We were at my bil last Christmas and he had some friend over with a dog. Olivia went to hug the dog..... and well..... you see that did not go so well. UGGGGGG! It has healed but she has a raised scar on the side of her nose. Now, you would think that would make her a little more leery next time but not my baby girl! She is not afraid of anything ( umm... not true, she is afraid of bugs and rain,LOL). She will STILL run up to totally strange dogs and try to love all over em!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
5:01 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
We finally received TA ( travel approval) on Thursday! We are so excited! Now we just have to wait for our consulate appointment ( should get it on Monday) and we will be able to book our travel. We have tentative dates of Sept 1oth - Sept 28th. Just 15 or so days from now!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooo Hoooooooo!
Hey Kelli! Hope you find our blog. It was so good to see ya yesterday! Her is a shout out to all of the B family!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
5:13 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
The name game!
Ok, Ok...... We have had Miss Alexandra's name picked out for a LOOOONG time! Years actually! Hence the title of the blog Alexandra Li. Soooo when we first saw her Chinese name we loved it ( Kai, pronounced Ki, rhymes with tie). We then decided to name her Alexandra Kai Li. So when all of our family and friends ( us a well) starting talking about calling her Kai instead of Alexandra it was a hard mental switch! Both of our girls have very traditional names and I just don't ever want Alexandra Kai to ever feel like she is the odd man out, but yet it is a BEAUTIFUL name and it reflects who SHE is. I'm afraid I will scar her for life if we call her the wrong name! Don't laugh! I am serious!!!! I lay awake at night worrying about this! I think I need some kind of anxiety pills, but then of course I couldn't go get my daughter!LOL!!!!!!
PS. For all of those not in the know, China has recently said you may not adopt if you are on any kind of anti depressant!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
8:05 AM
Monday, August 06, 2007
Hubei and Daye SWI
First of all thank you all so much for all of the comments! You guys are great! In all of my excitement on referral day I forgot to put down what orphanage Alexandra Kai Li is from! She is from the Daye SWI. It is in the city of Daye and is about 50 miles southeast of Wuhan.There are very few referrals from this particular orphanage, so information is limited. We know that she is or has been in foster care. If anyone has any info on Daye, the city or the orphanage please share! I am dying to know more!
In other news, we received the translated information about Alexandra! She is described three times as naughty! Cracks me up! One says " Naughty little Ye Meng Kai"! Soooooo funny!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
7:06 AM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Meet Alexandra Kai-Li
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
6:57 PM