Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Flower Girl

Olivia was a flower girl in a wedding this weekend. I think it was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. It was amazing! Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Kai's Shower

Liv was the photographer at Kai's shower last week. Notice the lovely picture of me,lol! We had a great time and Kai made out like a bandit! I love all of my home school girls who worked so hard to organize such a great shower!

On a totally different note, Liv was playing in the new stroller box last night and was standing in it ( it is tall and narrow). She tipped it over and feel backwards onto the tile. She had a nasty knot on her head but I really thought she was fine. This morning she woke up and immediately started vomiting. We took her to the ER and after a CAT scan they said she looked fine. Not sure why she was throwing up. Who knows. She is still a little weak, but is doing much better.VERY scary for the mama!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Princess Kai

Princess Kai had a short photo shoot in the back yard today! She is wearing a dress a very sweet friend made for her. Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fall .......

A few pics of the girls. They were taken a week or so after we returned home. Olivia and Kai are really starting to play together.

Shennong to 3 Gorges Dam

From Shennong Stream we went on to the Three Gores Dam. It is the largest dam in the world. It was huge! I actually liked the little town around the dam more than the dam itself.