Ok, I was just tucking Olivia in bed, and she was asking where our new baby was going to sleep. The conversation went something like this:
Olivia: "Where is the new baby going to sleep mommy?"
Me: "Well I guess she can sleep in your room" ( thinking she would think this was cool).
Olivia:" ummmmmm, I don't know."
Me: "Well she can sleep in Victorias room or in the extra bedroom." I said.Olivia just looks at me and I can see the wheels turning in her little head. You see, Victoria sleeps in Olivias room EVERY night. I can see the internal struggle of do I lose Victoria as a sleeping buddy and put all of my chips on this new baby or........
Me: "Well, Alexandra can sleep in your room with you AND Victoria." Her eyes lit up! That was the answer for her dilemma!
Olivia: Mom, that is a great idea! Lets do that!
Another crisis averted! A moms job never ends! Now how I am going to fit THREE little girls in one room is another dilemma in itself, but one dilemma I am sure glad to have!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Room For Baby?????????
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
6:13 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen, We have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok....... I ....am .....soooooo.... excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I checked the mail before we went to our church fall fest, no mail. When we got in later in the evening I forgot because we had friends follow us home for dinner. Today went to church around 8:45 a.m. and returned around 8:30 p.m. When we pulled in I realized I had not checked the mail since yesterday! I went to the mail box and I think I heard angels singing when I saw the magic words " Homeland Security"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We now have the beloved I-171, after 5 weeks and 2 days! Hold on Alexandra Li, momma and daddy are on their way!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
7:21 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Addicted to blogs!
Yes, I have a problem I am absolutely and completely addicted to other peoples blogs. Mostly about their adoption experience! I found myself feeling rather nauseas with a sharp pain in my shoulder over the last week or so, could not for the life of me figure out why! Well eureka! I figured it out yesterday. It seems that if you spend several hours scrolling down you CAN get motion sickness! I am not kidding I think my nausea has been directly related to the continuous scrolling of other peoples blogs! As for the pain in my shoulder, I think it is from moving the mouse and having my arm constantly tense! I can see it now: Hi, my name is Shannon and I have an addiction! Great!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
4:43 PM
I officially Hate the wait!!!!!!!!
I have decided, I Hate the wait! We are waiting on the much coveted I-171 to no avail! I wake up every morning with the post man on my mind,why the post man you ask, because he will deliver one of the most important documents so far. Permission for us to bring in a foreign born child to the US. This is the last document we need before we can send our dossier ( the dossier is all of the paper work that china requires all bound together)to China. I am sure the poor post man thinks I am crazy. Every day I wait around the window till I see his old beaten up black and silver blazer, then I run to the mail box the minute he has pulled away ( a few feet)! So far no luck! And the really yucky part, our mail does not run till around 5:00 pm! Makes for a very nerve racking day! Sooooooooo, I continue to wait, to pray, to try and keep up with all of the endless chores that seem so irrelevant when someone I love so much is a world away.
I cant describe how odd it is to feel such a strong love for someone I have never seen, or possibly not even born yet. I wonder if she is born yet, and if she is, is she warm? Hungry? Loved? Played with? Lord I just pray you keep her safe till we can hold her in arms!
Well, I am off to begin the stalking process for day # 36!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
12:19 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Where does pee come from????????
Olivia is very interested in where pee and poop come from. She has asked me several times at which I have replied your tee tee and your heiny. Soooo, the other day I walk into MY bthroom where Miss Olivia is sitting on the potty,Olivia: "hey mom, I opened "it" up, and pee comes from the little hole and poop comes from the big hole and I am pooping rite now!" Mom "great" as I walk out of the bathroom shaking my head! "It", I have got to do a better job than this!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
7:37 AM
Must catch everyone up!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I (we, I am not smart enough to figure this whole blog thing out so Sean set it up for me,for people who know me this will not be such a surprise!) set up this blog so we could look back and remember all of the crazy, sad,happy...... stuff that went along with this process. Sooooooo, let me catch you up on what the girls think of Miss Alexandra Li. Victoria loves the idea of having a sister that she can carry around and love on ( Lord knows Olivia will have none of that!LOL). She totally gets the whole adoption thing and REALLY wants to go with us. Victoria (9)is my sweet loving mostly responsible child. Olivia (4) on the other hand thinks all babies come from China including herself ( my little blonde headed brown eyed girl thinks we got her in China!), loves the idea of a baby, but in reality will have a horrible time with the new addition! The other day we were in the car talking about the different states we were all born in, after Sean myself and Victoria had given our respective states Olivia said " I know where I was born" I looked at Sean, " ok honey where" "China" she responded, with a look of great pride!LOL! I love this age!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
5:07 AM
Monday, October 24, 2005
I-171 Wait
So, today we are on week 4 day 4 of our I-171 wait! It is driving me crazy! I really have not been anxious throughout this process so far till now. There is something about it being totally out of my control that really AGGRAVATES me. Oh well I will continue to stalk the mail man like every other adoptive mom does at this point in the journey!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
2:50 PM
Alexandra Li...Ready or Not Here We Come!
Hi. We are Sean and Shannon. We have been married for 11 years and have 2 bio girls 9 and 4! In November of 2004 a missionary visited our church and spoke on supporting orphans in India. After Sean and I began to talk about this for the next few weeks Sean said "maybe we should consider adoption". We started looking into international adoption and after a ton of research we decided on China. And so our journey began in April of 2005! Alexandra Li, here we come!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
2:38 PM