Thursday, December 22, 2005

Drum Roll Please! We have a LID!!!!!!!!!!

We FINALLY have a LID, what is a LID you ask? Well, that is your log in date, the date that China logs in your dossier into their system! This makes you official and the count down starts from this date! So, Nov 17, 2005 will be one of the most important dates of our journey to our sweet baby girl! The wait is looking like anywhere from 8 to 10 months but could speed up ( I am praying for that one) or slow down at any time! It seems that in one of the provinces that many internationally adopted babies come from, has had an issue with baby trafficking, so they have halted adoptions from that paticular province till they can have a resolution am not clear on all of the details just yet but hope to sort it all out and document it for Alexandra to have when she gets older. I am in the very early stages of starting a life book (similar to a scrapbook)for Alexandra to document our journey to her and to document her journey to us!
that's all for now, must go partake in my drug of choice these days, shopping of course! Hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sorry I'm a little late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!