Tons going on in the Hammel house! I will post when I get a chance. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Kai and Referral Day
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of receiving Kai's picture and information. She has grown so much in the past year! I was amazed when I first saw her picture. She just did not look like the picture I had had in my mind for the last 2 years. She was even more beautiful than I could have dreamed! The picture above is one of the first pictures we had, the picture below is one I took last week.
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
12:17 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
First Pigtails!
Kai brought me a pony tail holder and wanted me to put her hair in pigtails. She showed me by holding one on each side of her head,lol. I really thought her hair was not long enough, but it was. she looks sooooo cute!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
3:03 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
My favorite pic
This is my favorite picture of Kai! She had been playing with the big girls in the garden and was rather proud of herself,lol!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
3:57 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
WOW, it has been a while!
Well, many of you know that Kai broke her arm and had to have surgery. It has been really crazy around here, but here are at least a few new pics!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
9:28 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Kai's Referral Video
Just click on the red arrow.....
I have been practiceing with the video thing. What do you guys think? Am I missing anything? Any suggestions?
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
11:19 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
catching up
Whhhhhhhhhew! It was a long month of yuk at our house. V had the flu and lost 8 lbs, and before that we all had a virus for a few days. So hear are a few pics from the last month.
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
2:33 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Mayflower Best Western, Wuhan
This is the Hotel we stayed at in Wuhan. It was really nice. The last pic is of the hotel lobby. I wish I would have taken a picture of the outside of the hotel:(
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
1:13 PM
Locksmith Kai
Last week O locked the bathroom door on accident. V used a credit card to unlock it. I guess Kai must of have been watching, because I just looked into the hallway from our bedroom and saw Kai with an old gift card sticking it in the crack of the closed bathroom door! She is SOOOOOO smart!
In other news, we took Kai to the Dr for a check up. The Dr we use only takes new patients that are adopted from China. She said Kai was the largest Chinese baby she has ever seen! Toooooo funny. she will probably be taller than her mama by the time she is 12!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
8:24 AM
Monday, February 04, 2008
the girls and teething
Kai and Olivia love playing together now. It took a few months for them to both really get to know each other and enjoy each other,lol!
Kai is teething, YUK! I have never seen teeth come in like this. 2 of hers have had bloody looking blisters just before the teeth break through! Poor baby! She is such a trooper!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
9:18 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Silly Kai and ICE
We went to see ICE at the Gaylord Hotel over the holidays with some GREAT friends of ours. We has a wonderful time! ICE is an indoor ice sculpture show ( duhh we do live in Tx where temps rarely reach freezing for any length of time,lol). It was really neat and the people who carve all of the sculptures are from Harbin China. VERY COOL!
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
1:45 PM
Friday, January 04, 2008
16 months old today
Today Kai turns 16 months old. It is really hard to think that 16 months ago tomorrow she was found at the gate of the orphanage. I think it is harder to think about now than it was when we visited the orphanage and saw the location she was left. Something about having time to get to know her personality and fall even further in love with her makes it seem so tragic for her birth family and the choice they had to make. What a blessing she has been to our family. The pics above were two of three referral pics we received on Aug the 4th. She was 10 months old in the picture. Later today I am going to take a close up so we can all see how much she has changed. I love this sweet girl. Thank you God for bringing us down this road.
Posted by
Sean & Shannon
7:00 AM